Achieving a positive corporate reputation and Consumer Email List ensuring that consumers have a good memory of the brand continues to be one Consumer Email List of the main challenges for companies . This area has become more complicated after a tumultuous year, in which the public values even more the social and environmental commitments Consumer Email List of the firms. However, those companies that already had a good reputation, all they have done is enhance it.
According to the 'Global RepTrak 100 2021' Consumer Email List report , the 100 companies with the best reputation score have achieved 74.9 Consumer Email List points , compared to 73.1 in 2020. This is the highest reputation figure in the last six Consumer Email List years, so the evolution has generally been positive. What the study has shown is that it is necessary to bet heavily on the reputation of the brand if you want to be in that top 100.
This year a higher score was needed, of Consumer Email List at least 72.9, in order to be within the ranking. In 2015, the gap between number 1 and 100 was 13.6. In 2021, that gap has decreased to 7.5 points. On the other hand, it should be noted that you have to Consumer Email List work on reputation strategies constantly . Even those companies with strong strategies are at risk of losing to seismic events or market disruptive companies. With reputations constantly changing, communications need to adapt just as quickly.